Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that everyone’s excited about! In the enchanted kingdom of Brooklyn, the fashionable people put on cute shoes, go to parties in warehouses, drink on rooftops at sunset, and tell themselves they’ve arrived. A whole lot of Brooklyn is…
REVENGE AND THE WILD Michelle Modesto 384 pages Publisher: Balzer + Bray (HarperTeen) Release Date: February 2nd, 2016 Source: ARC Rating: LOVED The two-bit town of Rogue City is a lawless place, full of dark magic and saloon brawls, monsters and six-shooters. But it’s perfect for seventeen-year-old Westie, the notorious adopted daughter of local…
THE DARK DAYS CLUB Alison Goodman 496 pages Publisher: Penguin Release Date: January 26th, 2016 Source: ARC Rating: MORE THAN LOVED New York Times bestseller Alison Goodman’s eagerly awaited new project: a Regency adventure starring a stylish and intrepid demon-hunter! London, April 1812. On the eve of eighteen-year-old Lady Helen Wrexhall’s presentation to the…
Oddly enough, there’s something empowering about a new desktop wallpaper. Especially for someone like me, sitting behind a computer screen pretty much all day long. Paired with quotes from my favorite books, games, and movies, etc? The wallpaper just made itself 100% better. Meet Quote Candy. Basically eye-candy, in the form of a quote and…
Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that everyone’s excited about! Girls on Fire tells the story of Hannah and Lacey and their obsessive teenage female friendship so passionately violent it bloodies the very sunset its protagonists insist on riding into, together, at any cost….
Oddly enough, there’s something empowering about a new desktop wallpaper. Especially for someone like me, sitting behind a computer screen pretty much all day long. Paired with quotes from my favorite books, games, and movies, etc? The wallpaper just made itself 100% better. Meet Quote Candy. Basically eye-candy, in the form of a quote and…
Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that everyone’s excited about!