
REVENGE AND THE WILD by Michelle Modesto — A Review

  REVENGE AND THE WILD Michelle Modesto 384 pages Publisher: Balzer + Bray (HarperTeen) Release Date: February 2nd, 2016 Source: ARC Rating: LOVED The two-bit town of Rogue City is a lawless place, full of dark magic and saloon brawls, monsters and six-shooters. But it’s perfect for seventeen-year-old Westie, the notorious adopted daughter of local…

THE DARK DAYS CLUB by Alison Goodman — A Review + Giveaway

  THE DARK DAYS CLUB Alison Goodman 496 pages Publisher: Penguin Release Date: January 26th, 2016 Source: ARC Rating: MORE THAN LOVED New York Times bestseller Alison Goodman’s eagerly awaited new project: a Regency adventure starring a stylish and intrepid demon-hunter! London, April 1812. On the eve of eighteen-year-old Lady Helen Wrexhall’s presentation to the…

Quote Candy (#42): Download a Wallpaper for THE DARK DAYS CLUB by Alison Goodman

Oddly enough, there’s something empowering about a new desktop wallpaper. Especially for someone like me, sitting behind a computer screen pretty much all day long. Paired with quotes from my favorite books, games, and movies, etc? The wallpaper just made itself 100% better. Meet Quote Candy. Basically eye-candy, in the form of a quote and…

Quote Candy (#41): Download a Wallpaper for THRONE OF GLASS by Sarah J Maas

Oddly enough, there’s something empowering about a new desktop wallpaper. Especially for someone like me, sitting behind a computer screen pretty much all day long. Paired with quotes from my favorite books, games, and movies, etc? The wallpaper just made itself 100% better. Meet Quote Candy. Basically eye-candy, in the form of a quote and…