We’ve got a wonderful prize in store for you, thanks to our friends at Simon and Schuster! You all know how much Asma loves Suzanne Young’s THE PROGRAM series, and Suzanne’s latest, THE REMEMDY, takes place in a world before her bestselling duology. Can one girl take on so many identities without losing her…
What an exciting day! Here at IceyBooks, we’re kicking off the fantastic tour for our good friend Jenny Martin’s debut, TRACKED. The book is so very good from start to finish, and I’m thrilled to share my review with all of you. Be sure to pick this book up when it hits shelves on May…
Oddly enough, there’s something empowering about a new desktop wallpaper. Especially for someone like me, sitting behind a computer screen pretty much all day long. Paired with quotes from my favorite books, games, and movies, etc? The wallpaper just made itself 100% better. Meet Quote Candy. Basically eye-candy, in the form of a quote and…
Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that everyone’s excited about! In an exhilarating new series, New York Times bestselling author Rachel Caine rewrites history, creating a dangerous world where the Great Library of Alexandria has survived the test of time… Ruthless and supremely powerful,…
Happy book birthday to our friend Lori Goldstein! Her debut, BECOMING JINN, hits shelves today across the US. We’re thrilled to have Lori here with us today, chatting about her journey to publication, which all started with her being short. Yep, you read that right!
There’s nothing we love more than villains. And seeing our seeing our favorite Disney villains brought to life via book? Even better. Melissa de la Cruz’s latest book, ISLE OF THE LOST, promises much more. And thanks to Disney, we’ve got a pretty great giveaway for our readers today! Evil tree. Bad Apple? Twenty…
Remember when I revealed the cover for WE ARE WATCHING, by M. Stephen Stewart? Today, I’m revealing the cover for its sequel, A CONDUIT FOR MAN! I loved designing a matching cover in a different, yet just as vibrant, color. First, read the synopsis, then check out the cover and let us know what you…