
Quote Candy (#23): Download a Wallpaper for THE ORPHAN QUEEN by Jodi Meadows

Oddly enough, there’s something empowering about a new desktop wallpaper. Especially for someone like me, sitting behind a computer screen pretty much all day long. Paired with quotes from my favorite books, games, and movies, etc? The wallpaper just made itself 100% better. Meet Quote Candy. Basically eye-candy, in the form of a quote and…

All’s Well That… — Another Guest Post with Ilsa J. Bick, Author of THE DICKENS MIRROR

Nearly two weeks ago, Ilsa J. Bick was here on IceyBooks, talking about what it was like to hear about Egmont’s closing here in the US. While circumstances have changed, with many of Egmont’s titles being picked up by Lerner, Ilsa has a lot to say on the matter. Read on! Critically acclaimed author of…

Blurb Reveal for BLOOD AND SALT by Kim Liggett—Plus a Giveaway

Kim Liggett is one of the sweetest authors ever, despite the sinister atmosphere of her book. I had the pleasure of designing her website (with swaying cornfields!) last year, and I’m thrilled to reveal the exciting blurbs for her upcoming debut, BLOOD AND SALT (September 22, Penguin). And to celebrate the arrival of the ARCs…