
Quote Candy (#22): Download a Wallpaper for DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE

Oddly enough, there’s something empowering about a new desktop wallpaper. Especially for someone like me, sitting behind a computer screen pretty much all day long. Paired with quotes from my favorite books, games, and movies, etc? The wallpaper just made itself 100% better. Meet Quote Candy. Basically eye-candy, in the form of a quote and…

The Road to Publication: a Guest Post by Jeanne Ryan, Author of CHARISMA, Plus a Giveaway

What would you do for a dose of Charisma? Would you be willing to swap out your DNA for the life you’ve always dreamed of? Those are the chilling questions prompted by Jeanne Ryan’s latest, CHARISMA. CHARISMA is the perfect book for fans of the movie Gattaca, Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, and Scott Westerfeld’s…

Martina Boone’s Favorite Thing About PERSUASION—Plus a Giveaway!

I reviewed Martina Boone’s debut, COMPULSION, a while back, and it was a great read. Unique, light, and pretty good. The sequel, PERSUASION, releases this year, and Martina’s here to celebrate with one of her awesome giveaways! But first, here’s the synopsis, then check out what Martina loves about PERSUASION, and enter to win big!…

A SCHOOL FOR BRIDES by Patrice Kindl — Cover Reveal and Giveaway

Today, we’re excited to have yet another exclusive cover reveal—this time, for the companion to Patrice Kindl’s KEEPING THE CASTLE, titled A SCHOOL FOR BRIDES (on sale July 14, 2015). Set in the same town as Kindl’s award-winning, critically-acclaimed KEEPING THE CASTLE, this hilarious, witty tribute to the classic Regency novel is perfect for lovers…